
Staff/ Participant Reopening Procedures

Welcome back! As Exponents gradually transitions back and opens its doors on the 15th of June, we want to make sure that you are aware of what we have done and will continue to do to ensure the safety of all staff and participants.  You’ll notice various changes in the way our workplace looks as well as new practices and protocols. We understand these changes may be challenging and we are here to support you. Our goal is to collaboratively ensure you feel safe and secure so together we can navigate the complexities of our “new normal.”



Here are some of the things we have implemented, to help keep our workplace safe and to support you:

  • Wellness checks upon entry to Exponents for visitors, staff and participants to ensure that no one is exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms (fever >100.4 F, cough, recent shortness of breath or difficulty breathing).
  • Distribution of Personal Protective equipment, such as face shields, masks and gloves. Installation of barriers at reception desks and re-configuring space to comply with social distancing requirements.
  • More frequent cleaning and sanitizing of all common areas.
  • Access to hand sanitizer throughout the workplace.
  • Access to our Employee Assistance Program (EAP) and other individual, confidential mental health resources.
  • Staggered shifts/schedules so fewer people are on-site at one time and to avoid peak commuting hours.
  • Implement systems to call, email, message, or video conference as much as possible with participants rather than meeting face to face.
  • New limits on the number of people allowed to gather in offices, conference rooms, and communal areas at one time.


Here are some things we would like you to implement, to help keep our workplace safe:

  • Use a face mask at all times.
  • Clean and sanitize your office daily.
  • Wash your hands often, and for the recommended 20 seconds.
  • Stay at least 6 feet (about 2 arms’ length) apart when moving through the workplace.
  • Be conscious and understanding of your co-workers who may be dealing with child care issues, illness or loss of loved ones, financial insecurity, and other issues.
  • Self-monitor for symptoms; If not feeling well, notify your supervisor and go home.
  • Speak with your supervisor and/or Human Resources Director, if you have any questions or concerns.

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